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Objective-C: Étoilé Vs Leopard

Posted on 18 October 2007 by David Chisnall

Mac OS X 10.5, codenamed Leopard, is due out in a week or so. One of the features it advertises is Objective-C 2.0. I've written a bit about Objective-C 2.0 before. In this post, I'm going to compare some of the new language features present in Étoilé with those present in Leopard.

Garbage Collection

The big feature all the Java programmers want is garbage collection. GNUstep has actually supported this for a little while. If you use RETAIN() and RELEASE() macros instead of sending retain and release messages, you get the correct stubs for the garbage collector generated when compiling with garbage collection enabled, or -retain and -release messages sent otherwise.

This support was originally begun in 2004, but I'm not aware of anyone who uses it. Part of the problem is that mixing GC and non-GC code is tricky, so it's really only an option for people with no legacy code. Another part is that it adds some runtime overhead.

Loose Protocols

Apple now allows you to specify that some methods in a protocol are optional. Apparently this is useful, but I can't think why. Objective-C gives two ways of accomplishing this already. The first is to use an informal protocol; a category on NSObject with a default (typically null) implementation of the methods. The other is to query at runtime with respondsToSelector: whether a delegate implements a method.

The point of using a formal protocol, rather than an informal one, is so that the compiler can check that you have implemented the methods. Another possible reason is to allow a runtime check for a set of methods at once. A loose protocol gives you none of these. It just moves things that should be in the documentation into the code. Great for people who believe header files are documentation, not so great for the rest of us.

Concrete Protocols

Concrete protocols are a potentially useful part of Objective-C 2.0. They allow protocols to contain default implementations of a method. In Étoilé, we have something similar; typesafe mixins.

Mixins allow you to maintain the separation of interfaces and implementations that Objective-C encourages. Mixins, unlike concrete protocols, are defined as classes. If you want to add a method to a class, you first define a class implementing it, like this:

@interface Mixin : NSObject {
- (void) method;
@implementation Mixin
- (void) method
    NSLog(@"Method called");

When you want to apply it to a class, you simply do:

[aClass mixInClass:[Mixin class]];

After this, all instances of aClass will responds to -method (it will not get a double helping of the methods declared in NSObject). You can even declare and use instance variables in the Mixin class. When you apply a mixin you will get an exception if one of the following happens:

  • The types instance variables declared in the mixin do not match those declared in the class. The class can include more instance variables than the mixin, but it must include all of them. This allows mixins to directly access class ivars; something not possible with concrete protocols.
  • The types of methods declared in the mixin conflict with the types of methods declared in the class (or a class the class inherits from).

Method Attributes and Properties

Method attributes might be really nice, but the number of the GCC function attributes that you are allowed to use is very small. Most of the ones that are actually useful can not be used in Objective-C without radically changing the way in which method lookup is handled; for example by adding an equivalent of Java's finally keyword.

Properties seem at first glance to be a nice idea. They are close to C#'s implicit set and get methods. In terms of expressiveness, they give nothing more than key-value coding already allows us. They may be slightly faster; the compiler could possibly add some code to translate them into ivar lookups if the implementation is for direct access to ivars. Something similar could probably be done with KVC, in the same way that polymorphic inline caching works. I'd be surprised if Apple has implemented this, however. At the moment, the only advantage is to add some confusing extra syntax.

The only remaining feature of Objective-C 2.0 that I recall is the foreach construct. Étoilé has a macro which works in a similar way. The following two lines are semantically equivalent:

FOREACH(anArray, string, NSString*)
for(NSString * string in anArray)

The latter is slightly faster, but requires anArray to implement a very messy countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: method, which retrieves 16 objects with a single call. The Étoilé version is slightly slower (although it does do IMP caching for you), but works with any collection that supports -objectEnumerator and so does not require multiple code paths. It's included with EtoileFoundation, so can be used on OS X too, including OS X 10.4 and earlier.

Prototypes and Futures

We've run out of new features for Leopard, but there's still one new one for Étoilé. We have support for prototypes in Objective-C. Any object that inherits from ETPrototype, or implements the ETPrototype protocol can use them. This required a small (binary-compatible) modification to the runtime system to allow delegation of method lookup to the class.

By using nested function (not supported on OS X), you can create and add methods at runtime, like so:

id anObject;
 //Code goes here.
[anObject setMethod:(IMP)method forSelector:@selector(foo)];
[anObject foo];

You can also declare methods with arguments, and declare them outside the scope of a function / method. Note that, as with nested functions, you can not call the method after the current function has returned if it references any local variables. Note too that instance variables in the method can only be accessed by casting self to the correct type and accessing them explicitly (e.g. ((MyClass*)self)->ivar).

These prototype objects can then be -clone'd, have KVC-accessible ivars added and removed using the -setValue:forKey: method, and be used just as prototypes in Self or Io. We don't restrict you to class-based programming.

Note, however, that prototypes do come with some runtime overhead and so should probably not be used everywhere. The same mechanism can be used for closures; if the nested function you add as a method uses lexical scoping, and is called immediately, then it will work as a block would in Smalltalk.

While not technically a language feature, as I mentioned earlier, we also have support for futures.