
NSData categories documentation

All the public Categories which extend NSData class.


NSData (ETHash)

Hash and Base64 additions to NSData.

AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
Declared inNSData+Hash.h


This NSData category provides methods for base 64 encoding and decoding the value of an NSData object and computing hashes. Uses the OpenSSL base 64 encoding and decoding functionality.


- (NSString *) base64String

Returns a string representing the base64-encoded version of the string. This operation can be reversed by sending a -base64DecodedData message to the resulting string.

    - (NSString *) sha1

    Returns a string containing the SHA1 hash of the data.

      - (NSString *) ripemd160

      Returns a string containing the RIPEMD160 hash of the data.

        - (NSString *) md5

        Returns a string containing the MD5 hash of the data.