ETByteSizeFormatter class documentation
ETByteSizeFormatter : NSFormatterOverview
ETByteSizeFormatter supports to format NSNumber objects up the terabyte unit as detailed in -stringForObjectValue: .
ETByteSizeFormatter is now deprecated in favor of NSByteCountFormatter, we still support it on Mac OS X for backward compatibility with 10.6 and 10.7.
- - (NSString *) stringForObjectValue: (id)anObject
Converts the given byte size (must be a NSNumber object) into a human-readable string expressed in:
- B
- bytes
- KB
- kilobytes
- MB
- megabytes
- GB
- gigabytes
- TB
- terabytes
No digits are displayed after the decimal point for B and KB, one digit for MB, two digits for GB and three digits for TB.