ETRoleDescription documentation
ETMultiOptionsRole : ETRoleDescriptionDefault
- - (NSArray *) allowedOptions
The ETKeyValuePair objects that represent the options. -[ETKeyValuePair value] is expected to return the option value (e.g. a NSNumber for an enumeration) and -[ETKeyValuePair key] to return the option name. You can use a localized string as the pair key to present the options in the UI.
- - (void) setAllowedOptions: (NSArray *)allowedOptions
The ETKeyValuePair objects that represent the options. -[ETKeyValuePair value] is expected to return the option value (e.g. a NSNumber for an enumeration) and -[ETKeyValuePair key] to return the option name. You can use a localized string as the pair key to present the options in the UI.