
ETSocket documentation

ETListenSocket : ETSocket

A server socket that accepts incoming connections.

AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
Declared inETSocket.h


+ (id) listenSocketOnPort: (unsigned short)aPort

Returns a socket listening aPort for an address of the local machine.

    + (id) listenSocketForAddress: (NSString *)anAddress onPort: (unsigned short)aPort

    Returns a socket listening on aPort for the address specified by anAddress.

      - (id) initOnPort: (unsigned short)aPort

      Initializes the socket to listen on aPort for an address of the local machine.

        - (id) initForAddress: (NSString *)anAddress onPort: (unsigned short)aPort

        Initializes the socket to listen on aPort for the address specified by anAddress.

          - (id) initWithSocketAddress: (NSData *)socketAddress

          Initializes a listening socket with the contents of a sockaddr_* structure encapsulated in the NSData object socketAddress.