
NSArray categories documentation

All the public Categories which extend NSArray class.


NSArray (ETKeyValuePairRepresentation)

ETKeyValuePair-related extensions to NSArray.

AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
Declared inETKeyValuePair.h


- (NSDictionary *) dictionaryRepresentation

Returns a dictionary where every ETKeyValuePair present in the array is turned into a key/value entry.

For every other object, its index in the array becomes its key in the dictionary.

The returned dictionary is autoreleased.

Raises an NSGenericException when the receiver contains an object which is not an ETKeyValuePair object.


    NSArray (ETCollection) <ETCollection>

    ETCollection support for NSArray.

    AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
    Declared inETCollection.h


    + (Class) mutableClass

    Returns NSMutableDictionary class.

      - (BOOL) isOrdered
      Description forthcoming.
        - (id) content
        Description forthcoming.
          - (NSArray *) contentArray
          Description forthcoming.
            - (NSArray *) viewpointArray
            Description forthcoming.


              NSArray (ETCollectionHOM) <ETCollectionHOM>

              Higher-order messaging support for NSArray.

              AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
              Declared inETCollection+HOM.h


              NSArray (Etoile)

              Additions to NSArray.

              AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
              Declared inNSArray+Etoile.h


              - (id) firstObject

              Returns the first object in the array, otherwise returns nil if the array is empty.

                - (NSArray *) arrayByRemovingObject: (id)anObject

                Returns a new array by copying the receiver and removing the objects equal to the given one.

                  - (NSArray *) arrayByRemovingObjectsInArray: (NSArray *)anArray

                  Returns a new array by copying the receiver and removing the objects equal to those contained in the given array.

                    - (NSArray *) filteredArrayUsingPredicate: (NSPredicate *)aPredicate ignoringObjects: (NSSet *)ignoredObjects

                    Returns a filtered array as -filteredArrayWithPredicate: does but always includes in the new array the given objects to be ignored by the filtering.


                      - (NSArray *) objectsMatchingValue: (id)value forKey: (NSString *)key


                      Returns the objects on which -valueForKey: returns a value that matches the given one.

                      For every object in the receiver, -valueForKey: will be invoked with the given key.

                      NSArray *personsNamedJohn = [persons objectsMatchingValue: @"John" forKey: @"name"];

                      You should now use -filteredArrayUsingPredicate or -filter instead. For example:

                      NSArray *personsNamedJohn = [persons filteredArrayUsingPredicate: 
                      	[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"name == %@", @"John"]];


                      Returns the objects on which -valueForKey: returns a value that matches the given one.

                      For every object in the receiver, -valueForKey: will be invoked with the given key.

                      NSArray *personsNamedJohn = [persons objectsMatchingValue: @"John" forKey: @"name"];

                      You should now use -filteredArrayUsingPredicate or -filter instead. For example:

                      NSArray *personsNamedJohn = [persons filteredArrayUsingPredicate: 
                      	[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"name == %@", @"John"]];
                        - (id) firstObjectMatchingValue: (id)value forKey: (NSString *)key


                        Same as the -objectsMatchingValue:forKey: , except it returns the first object that matches the receiver.

                        Nil is returned when no object can be matched.