ETPropertyDescription class documentation
ETPropertyDescription : ETModelElementDescriptionOverview
A property description represents either an attribute or a relationship that belongs to an entity. Whether a property represents an attribute or relationships depends on the -type (the entity description for the propery value).
For a primitive type (see -[ETEntityDescription isPrimitive] ), the property is an attribute. For a non-primitive type, it is a relationship. For more explanations, -isAttribute and -isRelationship .
Conceptual Model
For a Metamodel overview, see ETModelElementDescription.
Model Description
ETPropertyDescription provides a large number of properties to describe the model, these properties can be split into three categories:
- Model Specification
- Properties to describe new and existing model and metamodel (the FAME-based metamodel)
- Persistency Specification
- Properties to describe persistent model and persistency rules (can be leveraged or not by a Persistency framework e.g. CoreObject)
- Model Presentation Specification
- Properties to describe model presentation in the UI, and model-driven generation (can be leveraged or not by a UI or Model Generation framework)
The Model Specification properties must be edited to get working metamodel.
Both Persistency and Model Presentation Specifications are optional. These additional specifications are usually generic enough to be reused by Persistency and UI frameworks other than CoreObject and EtoileUI.
Warning: For now, CoreObject validation rules are hardcoded into -[ETPropertyDescription checkConstraints:] , and this limits the possibility to reuse the Persistency Specification without CoreObject.
Additional properties or specification can be added by subclassing ETPropertyDescription. In the future, we will probably support extending the metamodel dynamically at run-time too.
Role and Validation
A role can be set to provide validation rules that describe attribute or relationship constraints in a particular metamodel. The role must be compatible with the current -type. For example, when -isRelationship is NO, setting a ETRelationshipRole will cause a warning in -checkConstraints .
The validation is delegated to the role by -validateValue:forKey: .
Both attributes and relationships can be univalued or multivalued. A multivalued relationship is a too-many relationship, while a univalued relationship is a to-one relationship. A multivalued attribute is a value object collection (multivalued relationships are entity object collections).
Late-Bound References
For easily creating property descriptions that refer to each other or entity descriptions, without worrying about the dependencies accross all the model element descriptions, ETPropertyDescriptions includes properties such as -setOppositeName: or -setTypeName: that can be used to refer to other ETModelElementDescription objects by their -name or -fullName .
When all these related descriptions are added to a repository with -[ETModelDescriptionRepository addUnresolvedDescription:] , -[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] can be called to resolve the name references to their real objects.
For example, the -opposite is set based on the ETPropertyDescription object returned by -[ETModelDescriptionRepository descriptionForName:] for -oppositeName .
For properties descriptions added to entity descriptions returned by +[NSObject newEntityDescription] , all these model element descriptions are collected and resolved in the main repository. For other repositories or entity descriptions created outside of +[NSObject newEntityDescription] , you must call -[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] manually.
If -isPersistent returns NO and the opposite is not persistent either, the property description won't be frozen when the owner is, and mutating the property description state will remain possible (except turning it into a persistent property description).
If -isFrozen is YES, the property description is largely immutable, only the properties declared in Model Presentation remains mutable (to support customizing the UI generation for persistent objects at run-time).
Metamodel Description
- + (ETEntityDescription *) newEntityDescription
Self-description (aka meta-metamodel).
- + (ETPropertyDescription *) descriptionWithName: (NSString *)aName type: (ETEntityDescription *)aType
Returns an autoreleased property description.
The given name and type must not be nil, otherwise an NSInvalidArgumentException is raised.
Querying Type and Role
- - (ETEntityDescription *) type
The entity that describes the property's value.
This is the type of the attribute or destination entity.
Whether the property is a relationship or an attribute depends on the returned entity. See -isRelationship .
- - (void) setType: (ETEntityDescription *)type
The entity that describes the property's value.
This is the type of the attribute or destination entity.
Whether the property is a relationship or an attribute depends on the returned entity. See -isRelationship .
- - (NSString *) typeDescription
Returns 'Property (type of the value)'.
If -type returns a valid entity description, the parenthesis contains the entity name in the returned string.
- - (BOOL) isRelationship
Returns YES when this property is a relationship to the destination entity returned by -type , otherwise returns NO when the property is an attribute.
When the destination entity is a primitive, then the property is an attribute unless the role is explicitly set to ETRelationshipRole.
isRelationship is derived from type.isPrimitive and role.
- - (BOOL) isAttribute
Returns YES when the property is an attribute and NO when it is a relationship.
isAttribute is derived from isRelationship.
See -isRelationship .
Model Specification
- - (BOOL) isComposite
If YES, this property's value/values are the child/children of the entity this property belongs to.
isComposite is derived from opposite.isContainer
See also -isContainer .
- - (BOOL) isContainer
If YES, this property's value is the parent of the entity this property belongs to.
isContainer/isComposite describes an aggregate relationship where:
- isContainer
- is a child property and the to-one relationship to the parent
- isComposite
- is a parent property and the to-many relationship to the children
isContainer is derived, it is automatically YES when for a one-to-many relationship.
For CoreObject, a container property is derived, so it must not be set as persistent.
- - (BOOL) derived
A derived property can be read-only or not. For example, a setter can exist without any associated state, that converts the given value and calls another setter bound to a non-derived property.
- - (void) setDerived: (BOOL)derived
A derived property can be read-only or not. For example, a setter can exist without any associated state, that converts the given value and calls another setter bound to a non-derived property.
- - (BOOL) multivalued
Whether this property represents a multivalue or not.
A multivalue can be either a collection containing value objects (if -type returns a primitive entity) or a to-many relationship (unidirectional or bidirectional).
If set to NO, the property represents either an attribute or a to-one relationship (unidirectional or bidirectional).
See also -opposite , -isRelationship , isAttribute, isOrdered and -isKeyed .
- - (void) setMultivalued: (BOOL)multivalued
Whether this property represents a multivalue or not.
A multivalue can be either a collection containing value objects (if -type returns a primitive entity) or a to-many relationship (unidirectional or bidirectional).
If set to NO, the property represents either an attribute or a to-one relationship (unidirectional or bidirectional).
See also -opposite , -isRelationship , isAttribute, isOrdered and -isKeyed .
- - (BOOL) ordered
Whether this property represents an ordered multivalue or not.
An ordered multivalue can be either an ordered collection containing value objects (if -type returns a primitive entity) or an ordered relationship (unidirectional or bidirectional).
See also -isMultivalued and -isKeyed.
- - (void) setOrdered: (BOOL)ordered
Whether this property represents an ordered multivalue or not.
An ordered multivalue can be either an ordered collection containing value objects (if -type returns a primitive entity) or an ordered relationship (unidirectional or bidirectional).
See also -isMultivalued and -isKeyed.
- - (BOOL) keyed
Whether this property represents a keyed multivalue or not.
A keyed multivalue can be either a keyed collection containing value objects (if -type returns a primitive entity) or a keyed relationship.
If keyed is set to YES, multivalued must be set to YES too.
Keyed multivalues can be ordered or not, although in Objective-C, the built-in keyed collections such NSDictionary are unordered.
For CoreObject, -opposite must be nil since keyed bidirectional relationships are not supported.
See also -isMultivalued and -isOrdered .
- - (void) setKeyed: (BOOL)keyed
Whether this property represents a keyed multivalue or not.
A keyed multivalue can be either a keyed collection containing value objects (if -type returns a primitive entity) or a keyed relationship.
If keyed is set to YES, multivalued must be set to YES too.
Keyed multivalues can be ordered or not, although in Objective-C, the built-in keyed collections such NSDictionary are unordered.
For CoreObject, -opposite must be nil since keyed bidirectional relationships are not supported.
See also -isMultivalued and -isOrdered .
- - (BOOL) readOnly
Read-only properties can be persistent, for set-once properties. Useful for properties of immutable objects, for which the value is set initially by passing it to the initializer.
See -isDerived .
- - (void) setReadOnly: (BOOL)readOnly
Read-only properties can be persistent, for set-once properties. Useful for properties of immutable objects, for which the value is set initially by passing it to the initializer.
See -isDerived .
- - (ETPropertyDescription *) opposite
Can be self, if the relationship is reflexive. For example, a "spouse" property or a "cousins" property that belong to a "person" entity.
For reflexive relationships, one-to-one or many-to-many are the only valid cardinality.
- - (void) setOpposite: (ETPropertyDescription *)opposite
Can be self, if the relationship is reflexive. For example, a "spouse" property or a "cousins" property that belong to a "person" entity.
For reflexive relationships, one-to-one or many-to-many are the only valid cardinality.
Owning Entity and Package
- - (ETEntityDescription *) owner
The entity to which the property belongs to.
- - (void) setOwner: (ETEntityDescription *)owner
The entity to which the property belongs to.
- - (ETPackageDescription *) package
The package to which the property belongs to.
Take note that a property can belong to another package than its owning entity. This means the property is an extension (e.g. a property declared in an Objective-C category).
- - (void) setPackage: (ETPackageDescription *)package
The package to which the property belongs to.
Take note that a property can belong to another package than its owning entity. This means the property is an extension (e.g. a property declared in an Objective-C category).
- - (BOOL) persistent
Whether this property is persistent or transient.
Interpreting this property is up to a Persistency framework.
If the owner is frozen, any attempt to set this property raises an exception.
- - (void) setPersistent: (BOOL)persistent
Whether this property is persistent or transient.
Interpreting this property is up to a Persistency framework.
If the owner is frozen, any attempt to set this property raises an exception.
- - (BOOL) indexed
Whether this property value should be indexed in a search index.
Interpreting this property is up to an Search framework.
- - (void) setIndexed: (BOOL)indexed
Whether this property value should be indexed in a search index.
Interpreting this property is up to an Search framework.
- - (NSString *) valueTransformerName
The serialization transformer to convert the property value from -type to -persistentType .
A Persistency framework can use the returned name to look up a serialization transformer and convert the property value into a new value whose type is supported by the serialization format (known as -persistenType).
- - (void) setValueTransformerName: (NSString *)valueTransformerName
The serialization transformer to convert the property value from -type to -persistentType .
A Persistency framework can use the returned name to look up a serialization transformer and convert the property value into a new value whose type is supported by the serialization format (known as -persistenType).
- - (ETEntityDescription *) persistentType
The type used in the persistent storage to represent the property value.
For a property value handed to a serialization transformer, this is the type of the returned value.
- - (void) setPersistentType: (ETEntityDescription *)persistentType
The type used in the persistent storage to represent the property value.
For a property value handed to a serialization transformer, this is the type of the returned value.
- - (id) commitDescriptor
An object providing the commit metadata to be saved each time the property value is updated (usually in response to the user editing).
The metamodel doesn't define a type for this object, this is the responsability of the Persistency framework. For example, CoreObject provides a COCommitDescriptor class to fullfil this role.
The Persistency framework can look up the metamodel to retrieve this descriptor on every save that concerns the given property.
- - (void) setCommitDescriptor: (id)commitDescriptor
An object providing the commit metadata to be saved each time the property value is updated (usually in response to the user editing).
The metamodel doesn't define a type for this object, this is the responsability of the Persistency framework. For example, CoreObject provides a COCommitDescriptor class to fullfil this role.
The Persistency framework can look up the metamodel to retrieve this descriptor on every save that concerns the given property.
Late-bound References
- - (NSString *) oppositeName
The full name of the relationship opposite property (the package name as a prefix is optional for the anonymous package).
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -opposite based on the opposite name. Once resolved, -oppositeName returns nil.
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
- - (void) setOppositeName: (NSString *)oppositeName
The full name of the relationship opposite property (the package name as a prefix is optional for the anonymous package).
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -opposite based on the opposite name. Once resolved, -oppositeName returns nil.
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
- - (NSString *) ownerName
The name of the package to which this entity belongs to.
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -owner based on the owner name. Once resolved, -ownerName returns nil.
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
- - (void) setOwnerName: (NSString *)ownerName
The name of the package to which this entity belongs to.
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -owner based on the owner name. Once resolved, -ownerName returns nil.
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
- - (NSString *) packageName
The name of the package to which this property belongs to (as an extension).
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -package based on the package name. Once resolved, -packageName returns nil.
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
- - (void) setPackageName: (NSString *)packageName
The name of the package to which this property belongs to (as an extension).
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -package based on the package name. Once resolved, -packageName returns nil.
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
- - (NSString *) typeName
The name of the entity that describes the property's value.
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -type based on the type name. Once resolved, -typeName returns nil.
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
- - (void) setTypeName: (NSString *)typeName
The name of the entity that describes the property's value.
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -type based on the type name. Once resolved, -typeName returns nil.
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
- - (NSString *) persistentTypeName
The name of the entity that describes the property's persistent value.
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -persistentType based on the persistent type name. Once resolved, -persistentTypeName returns nil.
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
- - (void) setPersistentTypeName: (NSString *)persistentTypeName
The name of the entity that describes the property's persistent value.
-[ETModelDescriptionRepository resolveNamedObjectReferences] sets -persistentType based on the persistent type name. Once resolved, -persistentTypeName returns nil.
You should use this setter inside +[NSObject newEntityDescription] .
This property doesn't appear in the meta-metamodel, see +newEntityDescription .
Model Presentation
- - (ETValidationResult *) validateValue: (id)value forKey: (NSString *)key
- Description forthcoming.
- - (void) makeFrozen
Pass a block which takes one argument (the value being validated) and returns an ETValidationResult
Marks the receiver as frozen. From this point, if -isPersistent returns YES and the owner is frozen, the receiver is immutable and any attempt to mutate it will cause an exception to be thrown.