Macro to declare trait methods inside a protocol with an associated trait.
In the protocol declaration, TRAIT_PROTOCOL must come before the methods implemented in the associated trait. Other methods in the protocol (not implemented by the trait) can be declared as either @required or @optional as usual.
Take note that TRAIT_PROTOCOL methods are all required methods, although not implementing these methods in the class that adopts the protocol, won't cause compiler warnings.
- A()
Shortcut macro to create a NSArray. Same as +[NSArray dictionaryWithObjects:] .
- D()
Shortcut macro to create a NSDictionary. Same as +[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:] .
Macro for creating dealloc methods.
- ETAssert( condition)
Basic assertion macro that just reports the tested condition when it fails. It is similar to NSParameterAssert but not limited to checking the arguments.
- ETAssertUnreachable()
Assertion macro to mark code portion that should never be reached. e.g. the default case in a switch statement.
- FOREACH( collection, object, type)
Macro providing a foreach statement on collections, with IMP caching.
- type An element type such as 'NSString *' to typecheck the messages sent to the elements in the code block.
- FOREACHE( collection, object, type, enumerator)
Macro providing a foreach statement on collections, with IMP caching.
- collection Can be nil , this argument is ignored.
- type An element type such as 'NSString *' to typecheck the messages sent to the elements in the code block.
- enumerator A custom enumerator object to use to iterate over the collection.
- FOREACHI( collection, object)
Macro providing a foreach statement on collections, with IMP caching.
You should rather use FOREACH that provides basic typechecking.
Shortcut macro to create a NSIndexSet.
Exception macro to check whether the given argument respects a condition.
When the condition evaluates to NO, an NSInvalidArgumentException is raised.
Create a temporary autorelease pool that is destroyed when the scope exits.
Macro that sends a -lock message to the argument immediately, and then an -unlock message when the variable goes out of scope (including if an exception causes this stack frame to be unwound).
Exception macro to check the given argument is not nil, otherwise an NSInvalidArgumentException is raised.
- S()
Shortcut macro to create a NSSet. Same as +[NSSet setWithObjects:] .
Deprecated. You should use the designated initializer rule. Simple macro for safely initialising the current class.
Simple macro for safely initialising the superclass.
Version of NS_DURING which permits restarts to occur if restartable exception is issued. In the event of a restartable exception being raised, control will jump to the start of this block. Care must be taken to avoid infinite loops and memory leaks.
End a restartable exception block. Equivalent to NS_HANDLER to be used with NS_RESTARTABLE_DURING.
- SET_HANDLER( exception, handler)
Adds the specified handler for the named exception for the duraction of the current lexical scope.