CORevision class documentation
CORevision : NSObject <COTrackNode>Overview
A revision contains:
- a snapshot of the inner objects
- various metadata including parent revisions (one, or two for a merge commit)
- a UUID
- the UUID of the branch that the revision was originally made on
- an arbitrary JSON dictionary for application use
For each COBranch that contains uncommitted object graph context changes (i.e. changes to the inner objects), a new revision will be created on commit.
As explained in COUndoTrack and the Commits section of COEditingContext, a commit can create multiple revisions or even none.
Revisions are immutable.
History Properties and Metadata
Returns the revision identifier.
This revision UUID is unique accross all CoreObject stores.
- - (CORevision *) parentRevision
The revision upon which this one is based i.e. the main previous revision. For the first revision in a persistent root, returns nil (unless the persistent root is a cheap copy).
- - (CORevision *) mergeParentRevision
If this revision is the result of merging another branch into the this branch, returns the revision that was merged in, otherwise nil.
- - (ETUUID *) persistentRootUUID
Returns the persistent root UUID involved in the revision.
It is possible that this persistent root no longer exists.
- - (ETUUID *) branchUUID
Returns the branch UUID involved in the revision.
It is possible that this branch no longer exists.
- - (COCommitDescriptor *) commitDescriptor
Returns the commit descriptor matching the commit identifier in -metadata .
- - (NSString *) localizedShortDescription
Returns the commit descriptor short description evaluated with the arguments provided under the key kCOCommitMetadataShortDescriptionArguments in -metadata.
See -[COCommitDescriptor localizedShortDescriptionWithArguments:]
- - (id <COTrackNode>) parentNode
Returns -parentRevision .
- - (id <COTrackNode>) mergeParentNode
Returns -mergeParentRevision .
History Graph Inspection
- - (BOOL) isEqualToOrAncestorOfRevision: (CORevision *)aRevision
Returns whether the receiver is equal to an ancestor of the given revision.
Framework Private
- - (id) initWithCache: (CORevisionCache *)aCache revisionInfo: (CORevisionInfo *)aRevInfo
Initializes and returns a new revision object to represent a precise revision number in the given revision cache.