
COBranch class documentation

COBranch : NSObject <COTrack>

A branch is a pointer to a revision in the history graph. It represents a variation of a persistent root.

AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
Declared inCOBranch.h


Conceptual Model

-currentRevision is the most important property of a branch, that defines which revision the branch views.

Branches are central to the process of committing changes in inner objects. To commit changes in the branch's COObjectGraphContext, a new revision is created with the changes, and the -currentRevision property is modified to point to the new revision.

The -headRevision is an extra detail that gives branches a primitive form of undo/redo. When -currentRevision is reverted to an older revision, -headRevision remains in the same place, making it possible to "redo", i.e. move the current revision back towards -headRevision . This primitive undo/redo is exposed by the COTrack API.

Common Use Cases

The most common use case would be accessing the object graph through -objectGraphContext , or reverting to an old revision with the -currentRevision property.

Attributes and Metadata

The -metadata property behaves just like COPersistentRoot's. It can be set to a JSON compatible NSDictionary to store arbitrary application metadata. This property is persistent, but not versioned (although metadata changes can will be undone/redone by COUndoTrack, if the commit that changes the metadata is recorded to a track).


Branches are never instantiated directly, but each new persistent root includes an initial branch. You can access persistent root's branches through -[COPersistentRoot branchForUUID:] and -[COPersistentRoot currentBranch] for the "default" branch.

For existing persistent roots, new branches can be created by branching existing branches with -makeBranchWithLabel:atRevision: or -makeBranchWithLabel: .

Cheap Copies

Branches support a kind of cheap copy, which is really just creating a new branch starting at the same revision as the receiver (and with the parent branch metadata set). See -makePersistentRootCopyFromRevision: or -makePersistentRootCopy.


Branches follow a similar pattern for deletion as Persistent Roots, with a -deleted flag. Modifying the flag marks the branch as having changes to commit. Having the -deleted flag set and committed is like having a file in the trash. The branch can be undeleted by simply setting the -deleted flag to NO and committing that change.

Branches play a role in the deletion model for revisions, which are garbage collected (like git). When a branch has the deleted flag set to YES, it is possible for CoreObject to irreversibly delete the branch and any revisions that are only accessible by the branch. Revisions will never be deleted if there is some non-deleted branch that can access them.

Branch Kind

- (BOOL) isCopy

Returns whether the branch represents a cheap copy.

See also -parentBranch .

    - (BOOL) isCurrentBranch

    Returns whether the receiver is the current branch of its persistent root.

      - (BOOL) isTrunkBranch

      Returns whether the receiver was the first branch of its persistent root.

        Basic Properties

        - (ETUUID *) UUID

        The branch UUID.

        The UUID is never nil.

          - (NSString *) label

          The branch label (used as the branch name in most cases).

            - (void) setLabel: (NSString *)label

            The branch label (used as the branch name in most cases).

              - (NSDictionary *) metadata

              The metadata in JSON format attached to the branch.

              Any changes to the metadata is saved on the next branch commit.

              You must never overwrite any existing metadata set by CoreObject.

                - (void) setMetadata: (NSDictionary *)metadata

                The metadata in JSON format attached to the branch.

                Any changes to the metadata is saved on the next branch commit.

                You must never overwrite any existing metadata set by CoreObject.

                  - (BOOL) deleted

                  The branch deletion status.

                  If the branch is marked as deleted, the deletion is committed to the store on the next persistent root commit.

                  You can't delete the current branch (if -isCurrentBranch is YES, setting -deleted to YES throws an exception) because persistent roots must always have a current branch.

                    - (void) setDeleted: (BOOL)deleted

                    The branch deletion status.

                    If the branch is marked as deleted, the deletion is committed to the store on the next persistent root commit.

                    You can't delete the current branch (if -isCurrentBranch is YES, setting -deleted to YES throws an exception) because persistent roots must always have a current branch.

                      - (BOOL) supportsRevert

                      Controls whether -setCurrentRevision: can be used to revert the branch to an older state.

                      This property is non-persistent, and returns YES by default.

                      The main use case is when a branch is used for collaborative editing, this is set to NO by COSynchronizer, since the collaborative editing protocol we're using doesn't support making reverts, only forward changes.

                      The undo framework checks this property to see whether to perform a revert or commit the equivalent selective undo. Also, if NO, the -undo and -redo methods on COBranch are disabled (-canUndo and -canRedo return NO).

                        - (void) setSupportsRevert: (BOOL)supportsRevert

                        Controls whether -setCurrentRevision: can be used to revert the branch to an older state.

                        This property is non-persistent, and returns YES by default.

                        The main use case is when a branch is used for collaborative editing, this is set to NO by COSynchronizer, since the collaborative editing protocol we're using doesn't support making reverts, only forward changes.

                        The undo framework checks this property to see whether to perform a revert or commit the equivalent selective undo. Also, if NO, the -undo and -redo methods on COBranch are disabled (-canUndo and -canRedo return NO).


                          - (COBranch *) parentBranch

                          The parent branch from which the receiver is derived.

                          If the parent branch is nil, this means the receiver is a branch that was created at the same time than its persistent root. The parent revision is also nil in this case.

                          For a cheap copy, the parent branch is never nil. See -isCopy .

                            - (CORevision *) initialRevision

                            The revision at which the receiver was forked from the parent branch.

                            If the parent revision is nil, this means the receiver is a branch that was created at the same time than its persistent root. The parent branch is also nil in this case.

                            See also -parentBranch and -firstRevision .

                              - (CORevision *) firstRevision

                              The oldest revision in the entire branch history.

                              To find the first revision, parent branches are traversed until reaching a branch without a parent branch, then the last examined branch initial revision is returned.

                              If -parentBranch is nil, then the first revision is the same than the initial revision.

                              For all branches in a persistent root, returns the same revision.

                              This is the same than [[self nodes] firstObject].

                              See also -initialRevision .

                                - (CORevision *) currentRevision

                                The revision bound to the state loaded in the object graph context.

                                If the branch is uncommitted, the current revision is nil.

                                A current revision change is saved on the next branch commit.

                                Setting the current revision can be used to revert to a past revision or fast-forward to a future revision. If the revision being set is not an ancestor of the head revision, the head revision is also updated to the given revision.

                                For the track protocol, -[COTrack currentNode] is the same than the current revision.

                                See also -headRevision .

                                  - (void) setCurrentRevision: (CORevision *)currentRevision

                                  The revision bound to the state loaded in the object graph context.

                                  If the branch is uncommitted, the current revision is nil.

                                  A current revision change is saved on the next branch commit.

                                  Setting the current revision can be used to revert to a past revision or fast-forward to a future revision. If the revision being set is not an ancestor of the head revision, the head revision is also updated to the given revision.

                                  For the track protocol, -[COTrack currentNode] is the same than the current revision.

                                  See also -headRevision .

                                    - (CORevision *) headRevision

                                    The revision bound to the most recent commit in the branch.

                                    This is the same than [[self nodes] lastObject].

                                    See also -currentRevision .

                                      Persistent Root and Object Graph Context

                                      - (COEditingContext *) editingContext

                                      The editing context owning the branch's persistent root.

                                        - (COPersistentRoot *) persistentRoot

                                        The persistent root owning the branch.

                                          - (COObjectGraphContext *) objectGraphContext

                                          The object graph context owned by the branch.

                                            - (id) rootObject

                                            The root object of the object graph context owned by the branch.

                                              Pending Changes

                                              - (BOOL) hasChanges

                                              Returns whether the branch contains uncommitted changes.

                                              Object insertions and updates in the object graph context, edited branch metadata (e.g. changing the label or reverting to a past revision), all count as uncommitted changes.

                                              See also -discardAllChanges and -[COObjectGraphContext hasChanges] .

                                                - (void) discardAllChanges

                                                Discards the uncommitted changes to reset the branch to its last commit state.

                                                Object insertions and updates in the object graph context, edited branch metadata (e.g. changing the label or reverting to a past revision), will be cancelled.

                                                See also -hasChanges and -[COObjectGraphContext discardAllChanges] .

                                                  - (BOOL) shouldMakeEmptyCommit

                                                  If set to YES, the next commit in the editing context will write a new revision on this branch, even if there are no changes to be written.

                                                  Use it to cause a "checkpoint" revision to be written.

                                                    - (void) setShouldMakeEmptyCommit: (BOOL)shouldMakeEmptyCommit

                                                    If set to YES, the next commit in the editing context will write a new revision on this branch, even if there are no changes to be written.

                                                    Use it to cause a "checkpoint" revision to be written.

                                                      Undo / Redo

                                                      - (void) undo

                                                      Steps backward in the branch history.

                                                      From a track viewpoint, this method sets -currentNode to the previous node in -nodes .

                                                      From the branch viewpoint, the current revision is set the parent of -currentRevision that lies on the patch towards -firstRevision .

                                                      Note that there is no limit related to the -initialRevision . You can step backwards to before a branch was created, assuming -parentBranch is not nil, and before a persistent root was created, assuming the receiver is owned by a persistent root that is a cheap copy.

                                                      See -[COTrack undo] . Unlike the implementation in -[COUndoTrack undo] , does not automatically cause a commit.

                                                        - (void) redo

                                                        Steps forwards in the branch history.

                                                        From a track viewpoint, this method sets the -currentNode to the next node in -nodes . From the branch viewpoint, the current revision is set to the child of -currentRevision that lies on the path towards -headRevision .

                                                        See -[COTrack redo] . Unlike the implementation in -[COUndoTrack redo] , does not automatically cause a commit.

                                                          Creating Branches and Cheap copies

                                                          - (COBranch *) makeBranchWithLabel: (NSString *)aLabel

                                                          Returns a new branch whose current revision is set to the receiver's current revision, and adds the given label to the branch's metadata. The resulting branch uses the receiver as its parent branch.

                                                          The receiver must be committed.

                                                          See also -makeBranchWithLabel:atRevision:.

                                                            - (COBranch *) makeBranchWithLabel: (NSString *)aLabel atRevision: (CORevision *)aRev

                                                            Returns a new branch whose current revision is set to the given revision, and adds the given label to the branch's metadata. The resulting branch uses the receiver as its parent branch.

                                                            The revision must be equal to or an ancestor of -headRevision .

                                                            You can assign the returned branch to the receiver persistent root to switch the current branch. For example:

                                                             [persistentRoot setCurrentBranch: [[persistentRoot currentBranch] makeBranchWithLabel: @"Sandbox"]];

                                                            The receiver must be committed - not a newly created branch, or the default branch of an uncommitted persistent root.

                                                              - (COPersistentRoot *) makePersistentRootCopyFromRevision: (CORevision *)aRev

                                                              Returns a new persistent root whose current revision is set to the given revision.

                                                              The resulting persistent root is known as a cheap copy, because the copy doesn't cause the history leading to the new persistent root state to be duplicated in the store.

                                                              The cheap copy current branch uses the receiver as its parent branch.

                                                              The revision must be equal to or an ancestor of -headRevision .

                                                              The receiver must be committed.

                                                              See also -makeBranchWithLabel:atRevision:, -isCopy and -[COPersistentRoot parentPersistentRoot] .

                                                                - (COPersistentRoot *) makePersistentRootCopy

                                                                Returns a new persistent root whose current revision is set to the receiver's current revision.

                                                                See -makePersistentRootCopyFromRevision:

                                                                  Merging Between Branches

                                                                  - (COBranch *) mergingBranch

                                                                  The branch that is currently being merged.

                                                                  Always returns nil unless explicitly set. Only one of mergingBranch or mergingRevision can be set to non-nil. If it is set at commit time, records the current revision of the merging branch as the merge parent of the new commit.

                                                                    - (void) setMergingBranch: (COBranch *)mergingBranch

                                                                    The branch that is currently being merged.

                                                                    Always returns nil unless explicitly set. Only one of mergingBranch or mergingRevision can be set to non-nil. If it is set at commit time, records the current revision of the merging branch as the merge parent of the new commit.

                                                                      - (CORevision *) mergingRevision

                                                                      The revision that is currently being merged.

                                                                      Always returns nil unless explicitly set. Only one of mergingBranch or mergingRevision can be set to non-nil.

                                                                      If it is set at commit time, records the given revision as the merge parent of the new commit.

                                                                        - (void) setMergingRevision: (CORevision *)mergingRevision

                                                                        The revision that is currently being merged.

                                                                        Always returns nil unless explicitly set. Only one of mergingBranch or mergingRevision can be set to non-nil.

                                                                        If it is set at commit time, records the given revision as the merge parent of the new commit.

                                                                          - (COMergeInfo *) mergeInfoForMergingBranch: (COBranch *)aBranch

                                                                          Returns a merge info object representing the changes between the receiver and the given branch to be merged.

                                                                          This method computes the merge (the involved revisions and the diff) based on each branch current revision, but doesn't apply it.

                                                                          TODO: Provide an example showing how to apply the diff.

                                                                          NOTE: This is an unstable API which could change in the future when the diff/merge support is finished

                                                                          See also -mergeInfoForMergingRevision:

                                                                            - (COMergeInfo *) mergeInfoForMergingRevision: (CORevision *)aRevision

                                                                            Returns a merge info object representing the changes between the receiver current revision and the given revision to be merged.

                                                                            TODO: Document how the merge is computed if aRevision belongs to the receiver rather than another branch.

                                                                            This method computes the merge (the involved revisions and the diff), but doesn't apply it.

                                                                            TODO: Provide an example showing how to apply the diff.

                                                                            NOTE: This is an unstable API which could change in the future when the diff/merge support is finished

                                                                            See also -mergeInfoForMergingBranch: .


                                                                              - (NSString *) description

                                                                              Returns a short description to summarize the receiver.

                                                                                - (NSString *) detailedDescription

                                                                                Returns a multi-line description including informations about the branch kind, deletion status, revisions and pending changes.