
COBookmark class documentation

COBookmark : COObject

COBookmark represents a URL-based link.

AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
Declared inCOBookmark.h


COObject API includes the bookmark name, creation date and modification date. For example, see -[COObject name] .


- (id) initWithURL: (NSURL *)aURL

Intializes and returns a bookmark representing the URL.

For a nil URL, raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

    - (id) initWithURLFile: (NSString *)aFilePath

    Intializes and returns a bookmark from the URL location file at the given path.

    Files using extensions such as.webloc or.url are URL location files.

    When no URL can be extracted from the URL location file, returns nil.

    For a nil URL, raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

      Bookmark Properties

      - (NSURL *) URL

      The bookmark URL.

      This property is persistent and never nil.

        - (void) setURL: (NSURL *)URL

        The bookmark URL.

        This property is persistent and never nil.

          - (NSDate *) lastVisitedDate

          The last time the URL was visited.

          For example, each time a web page is loaded, a browser can udpate this property.

          This property is persistent.

            - (void) setLastVisitedDate: (NSDate *)lastVisitedDate

            The last time the URL was visited.

            For example, each time a web page is loaded, a browser can udpate this property.

            This property is persistent.

              - (NSData *) favIconData

              The image data for the fav icon bound to the URL.

              You would usually retrieve it from the URL. It is the small icon displayed in a web browser address bar.

              This property is persistent.

                - (void) setFavIconData: (NSData *)favIconData

                The image data for the fav icon bound to the URL.

                You would usually retrieve it from the URL. It is the small icon displayed in a web browser address bar.

                This property is persistent.