COCommitDescriptor class documentation
COCommitDescriptor : NSObjectOverview
Commit descriptors must be used to support history localization, and avoid writing any localized metadata to the store at commit time.
Each commit descriptor describes a persistent change or operation. A persistent change is usually bound to a user action.
Commit descriptors are automatically registered at the application launch, before giving the control to the user. COCommitDescriptor searches all the bundles (this includes the main bundle and framework bundles), for 'Commits' directories in the Resources directory, and loads the.json files inside.
To register commit descriptors, you bundle them as JSON files along the CoreObject model. Each JSON file name must be in the reverse DNS scheme. To take an example, for an 'Object Manager' application, put org.etoile-project.ObjectManager.json in 'Object'.
JSON Schema
The JSON format must contain two dictionaries:
- types
- Commit types -> Commit type descriptions
- descriptors
- Commit names -> Commit descriptor objects
A commit identifier contains two parts: the commit domain (the JSON document name minus the.json suffix) + the commit name. For a more detailed explanation, see -identifier .
Here is a more detailed schema where placeholder elements are prefixed with $:// For dictionary keys declared with a placeholder element, this means the key-value // pair in the schema can be instantiated multiple times in the final JSON document. { "types" (string - required): { $commit-type (string): $type-description (string), }, "descriptors" (string - required): { $commit-name (string): { "type" (string - required): $commit-type, "shortDescription" (string - required) : $commit-description, }, }, }
For a concrete example, check this (JSON document)[].
Commit Integration
For committing localizable metadatas, pass the -identifier to COEditingContext commit methods:
NSString *objType = @"Folder"; NSDictionary *metadata = D(A(objType), kCOCommitMetadataShortDescriptionArguments); COError *error = nil; // kOMCommitCreate is a constant that represents 'org.etoile-project.ObjectManager.create' [editingContext commitWithIdentifier: kOMCommitCreate metadata: metadata undoTrack: undoTrack error: &error];
For the previous example, the commit short description is going to be Create New Folder based on a localizable template Create New %@ provided in a.json file (or a.strings file if localized).
Localized descriptions that appear in the UI are transient metadata and are not included in the committed metadata. The CoreObject store doesn't contain them, but -[COCommitDescriptor shortDescription] can recreate them at run-time by combining -[CORevision metadata] and localized strings.
You can add a 'Commits' directory in each Language directory (e.g. French.lproj), and put.strings files in it. Each.strings file should use the same name than the.json file it translates.
These.strings files can contain keys that represent a key path in the JSON document, the value side contains the translation. For now, two COCommitDescriptor properties are localizable:
- -typeDescription
- types/ $commit-type /TypeDescription
- -shortDescription
- descriptors/ $commit-name /ShortDescription
In the.strings file, valid keys are based on these template keys. For example:
// TODO: Link the ObjectManager .strings file rather than including this example. types/create/TypeDescrition = "Object Creation"; types/delete/TypeDescription = "Object Deletion"; descriptors/group-creation/ShortDescription = "Created a new group named %@"; descriptors/group-deletion/ShortDescription = "Deleted group named %@"; descriptors/library-creation/ShortDescription = "Created a new library named %@";
Note: Loading the.strings files is not yet implemented.
Metamodel Integration
You can use -[ETPropertyDescription setCommitDescriptor:] (not yet implemented) to attach a commit descriptor to the metamodel, then retrieve it at a commit time.
Commit Descriptor Registry
- + (COCommitDescriptor *) registeredDescriptorForIdentifier: (NSString *)anIdentifier
Returns the commit descriptor previously registered for a descriptor identifier.
The registration is not persistent and is lost on application termination.
For a nil argument, raises a NSInvalidArgumentException.
Persistent Metadata
- - (NSString *) identifier
A unique identifier among all the commit descriptors.
The identifier format is <domain-in-reverse-DNS-notation>.<name> . For org.etoile-project.ObjectManager.rename:
- org.etoile-project.ObjectManager
- the descriptor domain
- rename
- the descriptor name
The identifier is often used as a subtype: multiple commit descriptors can share the same type description, but use distinct identifiers.
You can use it to look up the current commit description from the revision metadata:
NSString *identifier = [[aRevision metadata] objectForKey: kCOCommitMetadataIdentifier]; COCommitDescriptor *descriptor = [COCommitDescriptor registeredDescriptorForIdentifier: identitifier];
See also -domain and -name.
- - (NSString *) domain
A domain representing an editing activity (e.g. an application), and usually shared among several commit descriptors.
The domain must be in reverse DNS notation e.g. org.etoile-project.ObjectManager.
See also -identifier and -name.
- - (NSString *) name
A name representing an editing action (e.g. a user action causing a commit).
The descriptor name can be shared among several commit descriptors. For a rename operation, we could have:
- org.etoile-project.ObjectManager.rename
- org.etoile-project.AddressBook.rename
For multiple rename actions targeting multiple objects kinds in a domain, you might want to use highly customized localizations in some cases (rather than just customizing few words in the sentence based on -shortDescriptionArguments). You can do it by using suffixes to precise the renaming:
- org.etoile-project.AddressBook.renamePerson
- org.etoile-project.AddressBook.renameGroup
See also -identifier and -domain.
Transient Metadata
- - (NSString *) type
The type of the action that triggered the commit.
The descriptor type can be shared among several commit descriptors. For a rename operation, we could use renaming as the type set on:
- org.etoile-project.AddressBook.renamePerson
- org.etoile-project.AddressBook.renameGroup
This property must be provided (in the plist file).
For a nil description, the setter raises a NSInvalidArgumentException.
See also -typeDescription and -localizedTypeDescription .
- - (NSString *) typeDescription
Few words that summarizes the action that triggered the commit.
This property must be provided (in the plist file).
For a nil description, the setter raises a NSInvalidArgumentException.
See also -type and -localizedTypeDescription .
- - (NSString *) localizedTypeDescription
A localized description for -typeDescription .
This is usually presented in a history browser UI.
See also -type and -typeDescription .
- - (NSString *) shortDescription
A description that fits on a single line.
This property must be provided (in the plist file).
For a nil description, the setter raises a NSInvalidArgumentException.
See also -localizedShortDescriptionWithArguments:.
- - (NSString *) localizedShortDescriptionWithArguments: (NSArray *)args
A localized description for -shortDescription , by optionally interpolating localized arguments (depending on the commit or the context) into the localized short description.
This is usually presented in a history browser UI.
See also -shortDescription .