
COObjectGraphContext categories documentation

All the public Categories which extend COObjectGraphContext class.


COObjectGraphContext (CODebugging)

Additions to debug change tracking in an object graph context

AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
Declared inCOObjectGraphContext+Debugging.h


This category isn't part of the official public API.

See also COEditingContext(CODebugging).


- (NSArray *) insertedObjects

Returns the object UUIDs inserted since change tracking was cleared.

After a commit, returns an empty set.

    - (NSArray *) updatedObjects

    Returns the objects whose properties have been edited since change tracking was cleared.

    After a commit, returns an empty set.

      - (NSArray *) changedObjects

      Returns the union of the inserted and updated objects. See -insertedObjects and -updatedObjects .

      After a commit, returns an empty set.

        - (NSDictionary *) updatedPropertiesByUUID

        A table listing the properties updated per object since change tracking was cleared.

        Useful to debug the object changes reported to the context since the last commit.