
COCommand class documentation

COCommand : NSObject <COTrackNode>

A command represents a committed change in an editing context

AuthorsGenerated by qmathe
Declared inCOCommand.h


For each store change operation (e.g. branch creation, new revision etc.), there is a distinct command in the COCommand class hierarchy.

A commit is not atomic, if it spans several persistent roots. Non-atomic commits are represented as a COCommandGroup that contains one or more command objects to describe each store structure change independently.

If you make multiple store structure changes on a single persistent root (e.g. branch creation and new revision at the same time), the command group is going to contain several commands just for a single persistent root.

Basic Properties

- (NSString *) kind

A localized string describing the command.

For example, -[COCommandDeletePersistentRoot kind] returns Persistent Root Deletion.

    - (COUndoTrack *) parentUndoTrack

    The undo track on which the command was recorded.

    Never returns nil once the command has been recorded, see -[COUndoTrack recordCommand:] .

      - (void) setParentUndoTrack: (COUndoTrack *)parentUndoTrack

      The undo track on which the command was recorded.

      Never returns nil once the command has been recorded, see -[COUndoTrack recordCommand:] .

        - (ETUUID *) storeUUID

        The UUID of the store against which the changes were or would be committed (for an inverse).

          - (void) setStoreUUID: (ETUUID *)storeUUID

          The UUID of the store against which the changes were or would be committed (for an inverse).

            - (ETUUID *) persistentRootUUID

            The UUID of the persistent root to which the changes were or would be applied (for an inverse).

              - (void) setPersistentRootUUID: (ETUUID *)persistentRootUUID

              The UUID of the persistent root to which the changes were or would be applied (for an inverse).

                - (id <COTrackNode>) parentNode

                Returns nil.

                An atomic command belongs to a command group which has a parent command.

                  - (id <COTrackNode>) mergeParentNode

                  Returns nil.

                    Applying and Reverting Changes

                    - (COCommand *) inverse

                    Returns a command that represents an inverse action.

                    You can use the inverse to unapply the receiver changes in an editing context.

                    [[command inverse] inverse] must be equal [command inverse].

                    A single command corresponds to an atomic operation inside a commit (e.g. just a branch creation or just a new revision).

                    For each commit, single commands are grouped into a COCommandGroup.

                      - (BOOL) canApplyToContext: (COEditingContext *)aContext

                      Returns whether the receiver changes can be applied to the editing context.

                        - (void) applyToContext: (COEditingContext *)aContext

                        Applies the receiver changes to the editing context.

                          - (void) addToStoreTransaction: (COStoreTransaction *)txn withRevisionMetadata: (NSDictionary *)metadata assumingEditingContextState: (COEditingContext *)ctx

                          Applies the receiver changes directly to a store transaction.

                            Framework Private

                            + (COCommand *) commandWithPropertyList: (id)aPlist parentUndoTrack: (COUndoTrack *)aParent

                            Returns a command deserialized from a property list.

                            See -initWithPropertyList:parentUndoTrack:.

                              - (id) initWithPropertyList: (id)plist parentUndoTrack: (COUndoTrack *)aParent

                              Initializes and returns a command deserialized from a property list.

                                - (id) propertyList

                                Returns the receiver serialized as a property list.

                                  - (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *)zone

                                  Returns a new command equal to the receiver.