ETXMLWriter documentation
ETXMLWriter : NSObject <ETXMLWriting>Default
- - (void) writeXMLHeader
Writes the XML header and character set marker. Calling this method after any methods that modify the output stream has undefined results.
- - (void) appendUnescapedString: (NSString *)aString
Writes the string directly into the output. Used for DOCTYPE and so on.
- - (void) startAndEndElement: (NSString *)aName attributes: (NSDictionary *)attributes
Generates a start and end tag in a single operation.
- - (void) startAndEndElement: (NSString *)aName attributes: (NSDictionary *)attributes cdata: (NSString *)chars
Generates a start and end tag for aName with the specified attributes and cdata as character data between.
- - (void) startAndEndElement: (NSString *)aName cdata: (NSString *)chars
Generates a start and end tag for aName with cdata as character data between.
- - (void) startAndEndElement: (NSString *)aName attributes: (NSDictionary *)attributes containing: (id)aBlock
Generates start and end tags with the specified name and attributes. Executes aBlock in between the tags.
- - (void) startAndEndElement: (NSString *)aName containing: (id)aBlock
Generates start and end tags with the specified name. Executes aBlock in between the tags.
- - (void) setAutoindent: (BOOL)aFlag
Sets whether the output will be automatically indented. Default is NO.
- - (NSString *) endDocument
Returns the string value and places the object in a state where it can not respond to any more writing events. Use this in preference to -stringValue if you know you will not use this writer object again.
- - (void) reset
Resets the receiver to begin a new document. Can be called after -endDocument .
- - (ETXMLWriter *) beginTransaction
Returns an XML writer that can be used to write XML-subtrees in a transactional manner. The tree constructed by this writer will be incorporated into the buffer of the parent writer once it is deallocated.