Étoilé: Powerful. Beautiful. Open.


Services, including those that resemble traditional applications, can be found in subversion at:


Private services are those that form the core of the Étoilé user experience and provide essential functionality. They include:

  • Azalea, the Étoilé window manager.
  • AZDock and AZSwitch, the dock and task switcher services.
  • Corner, which provides the ability to run scripts for hot corners.
  • MenuServer, providing the MacOS-like horizontal menu.

User services are those that more closely resemble traditional applications. These include:

  • AddressManager, an address book application built on the AddressesKit framework, which is source-compatible with the OS X version.
  • StepChat, the Étoilé Jabber client.
  • Vindaloo, the PopplerKit-based PDF viewer.
  • Typewriter, a simple rich text editor.